Sunday, January 18, 2009

Round 1 of Chemo is done

So now I've finished round 1 of chemo. Each round or cycle is 2 chemo days. Friday I went with 2 of my girlfriends and for lack of a better word it was actually fun. I'm sure the ativan helped a little as well. We got to make fun of silly wigs. I don't want a wig but I think shopping for one with friends would be a riot! No, we were not making fun of people wearing wigs, just the ones in catalogs!

But seriously, I can't thank Johnene and Kristin enough for giving up an entire day to spend with me a chemo. It means more than I can express. I'm thankful for all of the great friends we have.

So far I feel pretty good, just tired. My 1st acupuncture treatment was helpful, although I felt good that day. The next 2 will be a real test of how it will help. My acupuncturist seems very hopeful that he can relieve most of my side effects. I just have to learn to relax a little more. I found it difficult to lay there for 30 minutes with needles in me. I wasn't sure what I could move or not move. It should be easier next time since I probably won't feel so good at the start of it.

I'm working on the coffee part. I think one cup a day is reasonable. It certainly wasn't coffee that gave me Hodgkins. I'm tired of having all this stuff taken away from me. Thanks for all the great tea ideas. I've tried some and they're not too bad. Thanks to Terri who brought me over a whole basket of tea! I'm willing to try just about anything but I can't completely give up all my bad habits either!

I talked to my oncologist, Dr. Aboulafia, on Friday. He presented my case to the Tumor Board and we have a new plan. I'm going to have 3 cycles(6 chemo days) and then another CT/PET scan. At that point we'll get together with the radiation oncologist and decide what's next. It will depend on the scan results but most likely I'll need more chemo or radiaiton, even if it is clear. He has said all along that the best thing would be to do both. It would be nice to be done with the chemo at the point. Although radiation comes with lots of long term side effects that seem very scary right now. Right now, I'm happy to be done with the first cycle. Every little step counts.

I love having my haircut short. Makes me wonder why I didn't do it sooner. It's so easy. I hope I have some time to enjoy it. They say it could start falling out soon but nobody knows for sure.

It was great to go into work the other day, seeing all my coworkers that I missed. Using my brain for something besides cancer research. Next time I'll come in later to catch the night shift crew. I hope to be able to go to a staff meeting or 2 and maybe IQ Day. This past week it was really hard not being at work because I felt pretty good. It's the only really big thing that has been taken away so far. It's amazing what a big chunk of my life is temporaily gone. I love being able to spend so much time with my family but I miss my work family.

Thanks for all the meals and help. Alyssa is loving all the playdates! Thanks to our secret pizza delivery person. That was a very nice surpise.

Time to give the dogs some attention. They are on my crazy schedule too.



Anonymous said...

Is chemo supposed to be that fun? I saw the other pictures and it looked like you 3 were having a great time.

PS: Nick looks so young with his new haircut

Anonymous said...

That was me Joey pushed the button before I put my name in.

Anonymous said...

i dont know what "ativan" is but if it can make something like chemo seem like fun it must be good stuff. Tracie you are so strong my thoughts are with you.


Anonymous said...

So glad things are going well for you Tracie....your positive attitude will get you through. You are missed on the night shift.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you often. You have such a positive attitude - - it will count for a lot! Sorry I missed you when you came in for the monitor training. Should be interesting when they go live. Much love and many healing thoughts being sent to you.


Amber said...

Your new haircut is super cute!!!! LOVE IT!

I came across MealBaby, a cool website to help friends to coordinate meals. It's free!

Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO in on the wig shopping! I just want to see one of us in one of those halo wigs...

Seriously, Tracie, nothing you ask is too much. You're amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tracie - just dropping a note to say I've been thinking of you, sending good vibes your way.

LOVE the hair! It looks so fab on you.

Keep positive! Miss you around here. Marc (PICU)

P.S. - Me and Karen Cunningham are working ECMO - Karen sends a big hug and "hello!"

Unknown said...

Keep up the positive attitude, Tracie! Glad you have such good friends around to support you.