Monday, January 26, 2009

Buzz Cut

Last week I was upset about losing my hair. It was really tough when it first started coming out. By the end of the week, I was so grossed out by all of the shedding that I decided it was time. Saturday afternoon with friends and chocolate martinis, I got my first & hopefully only buzz cut. My friend, Johnene was the lucky one who got to cut & shave all my hair off. I think she was more nervous about it than I was. It actually looks ok, feels a little strange though. The only problem is all of the gray hair!!!! If it wasn't going to fall out, I'd have to get it colored! Of course with Alyssa rubbing my head all the time, I'm sure I'll be bald by the end of the week!

Thanks to Terry and my friends for a great weekend. This was just one more reminder of what great friends we have!

I learned two things this weekend. My head will look ok bald and I totally suck at guitar hero!


Johnene and Family said...

I was nervous, but now I'm going into business. I'm going to hang a barber pole out by your garage, okay?

Anonymous said...

Traci what a beautiful face you have. Seriously you look great. Women get so caught up in their hair sometimes we forget whats underneath. What a great friend you have. No worries I suck at guitar hero too. It's pure entertainment for my kids to watch me play. Stay strong. Thnking of you often. Heidi

Anonymous said...

Aunt Tracie - I hope you get better, cool head are you ready for a viking hat? Love, Jake

Anonymous said...

Big Hug!

tlforsythe said...

You are one lucky lady, Tracie. Not only do you actually look good without hair, you have AWESOME family and friends!! Can I get chocolate martinis if I shave my head? :)

Anonymous said...

Tracie--You look fab! Truly! Here's to that million dollar smile...and the awesome friends that you have in your midst! You've got SO MANY thinkin' good thoughts about you, Tracie! Your attitude inspires me across the're amazing!!! Hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracie,
I have been following your blog since I learned about it, and have to say, that I am really impressed with your positivity and humor and general strength with which you are battling your disease! You are awesome!!!!! Keep it up!
But honestly, I am moved to leave a comment this time, because I think you look great with your head shaved! Seriously! There aren't very many people in this world that can even do SHORT hair, let alone a buzz cut! You look beautiful! I hope you like it as much as we all do!
Stay strong--sending you lots of well wishes.
joanna nelson

Unknown said...

Hey! you have a much better head than Scottie Pippen! You are on par with MJ!! Hope you are doing well. Thinking of you a lot!

Anonymous said...

Tracie - looking good! you wear bald very well. glad to hear you are enjoying life to its fullest and living in the moment.
cheers to good times~

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracie, you are looking terrific bald! Glad to hear you have such awesome friends-and family too of course-out there at your side. Know that so many are sending good thoughts and prayers your way from Illinois! Keep that wonderful attitude and don't worry, more practice and you will "ROCK" on guitar hero! We'll be thinking of you!- Kathy

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look great. You're giving Sinead O'Conner a run her money. I'm glad Alyssa is enjoyong it :). I'm sure the head rubs feel good. You may just decide to stick with the do, besides I'm sure it's much easier to take care. Think of all the money you're saving on hair product!
We're thinking of you, and it's okay to be a couch potato, I give into it quite often, and I don't have a good excuse.