Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Worst & Best Week of My Life

Most of you who are reading this have probably already heard the news. On Monday, Dec. 15th, I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I had a biopsy the week before and never in a milion years actually believed I would have cancer. I was in complete shock. There are parts of the morning that I don't really recall, especially since I'd been up all night, working. Sleep deprevation doesn't help anything. Being an ICU nurse, I have been around a lot of devasting things. I've never thought that I understood how people felt, but now I know. It was one of the worst days of my life.

Terry was great. He took care of everything that morning. Of course, it happened to be a late start school day due to bad weather. I spent most of the afternoon crying, waiting to see the oncologist later in the afternoon. She was helpful in providing us with much needed information. Telling me it was curable and that I wasn't going to die. We left the appointment encouraged and feeling able to start talking to friends and family.

On the way home, I called to tell my parents. It was so incredibly difficult. These are the times when I feel guilty for moving so far away. My family has been terrific this week and we're looking forward to our trip there for the holidays.

Tuesday was much better. I have great friends who took me out for coffee. One of the important things I've learned this week is that we have the best family & friends possible. I think that's what allows me to say that this was also the best week of my life. My friends at work have been awesome as well. Thanks to my boss, I was able to get in to see an oncologist at Virginia Mason on Tuesday. We really like him and I plan to be treated there.

Tomorrow is the big day. I have a CT/PET scan scheduled, then an appt with a radiation oncologist and then an appt with my oncologist. We will find out for sure the stage and start making a plan. At this point, given everything they know, they are assuming stage 1 or 2. Hopefully that will remain the case tomorrow. Right now I'm a little stressed about things getting cancelled tomorrow due to the weather. Given that we're supposed to fly out Tuesday, there is not a lot of time to reschedule before the holidays.

I know there are lots of you who want to help us and we will definitely need it. Right now there's not much to do. As soon as we have a plan, I'll let you know what is going on.

My plan right now is to have a great Christmas with my family and drink lots of wine! We wish all of you a Merry Christmas.

Bear with me on this blog thing-it's my first time.
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers, Tracie! (Great job on the blog thing, by the way!)

Anonymous said...

We're always here. We're sending our best, most positive everything your way! Good luck tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Joe and I are here to help you drink lots of wine and to help have a great but very freezing christmas in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Tracie, you are all in our prayers today, this big day, and tomorrow - that you make it to Chicago. Adam and I are also in for any of that wine drinking! :) Sending you lots of prayers, love and good energy! Angela & Adam

Anonymous said...


I am thinking about you all the time. When times have been rough for me, you have been an awesome listener. We laugh about 'best friends at work' but it is nice to have them.
Have a blessed, peaceful Christmas.

xo Annette

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog updates, Tracie. I will check it often. Have a safe trip home to Chicago. We'll be here for ya when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Tracie - Thanks so much for keeping us updated. You are in our thoughts all the time and want to help out. You were there for us and we'll be there for you!! You CAN do this! Enjoy being with family and friends for the holidays!! Jen and Tom

Anonymous said...

Mason and I are saying our prayers for you. I am hopeful with the news of your good prognosis. I just hope your treatment is tolerable for you and your family. Recent health studies say red wine cures everything!
Julie Stenger

ghassada said...

Gaza formats and updates.

to 8 th day of the eight F16 draw with white smoke into the sky from Gaza, the feeling of impunity is media of a scandalous manner. Israel is entering a entropy no return.
this symbol of infinity shows formtage the image of Israel "was to afflict your faces" (Koran translated). conditin necessary for cats "and enter the Mosque as they entered the the first time, and to completely destroy what they took. "
"It may be that you your Lord have mercy. But if you reoffend" (Koran translated).
Israel goes to his updates the prophet Daniel