Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Holiday Travel

If we can handle traveling to Chicago for the holidays, then chemo should be a piece of cake. We made it, which is so much better than most!!!!

Back in October, when we bought our tickets and got a few free ones, it seemed ok that Terry would fly Southwest to Midway and the kids & I would fly American to Ohare. We even booked the departures within minutes of each other. Seemed like a great idea 2 months ago!!!!

Given the weather and mess at Seatac yesterday, we decided to go early. Terry's flight through Denver was on time, but ours was not. The kids and I spent 5 hours sitting at Seatac! Thankfully they are pretty good travellers, but it's still a long day. We finally arrived in snowy Chicago at 11:30 and my parents at midnight.

Terry departed Denver about the time we landed in Chicago, not part of the original plan. My Mom and I left to get him at 1am only to discover that Midway was still an absolute mess!!! There were thousands of people waiting for bags and very few people still working since the airport normally closes by midnight. It took 2 of us to find the luggage after an 1 1/2 hours of waiting & searching!!!

We're here and ready for a great Christmas! It's not even cold here, the snow is beautiful and we're not stuck at the airport like so many others. I had visions of Terry spending Christmas with my family and us stuck in Seattle!!!!

I hope you all made it wherever you may be going. I'm looking forward to starting some of that red wine therapy later today.

Thanks for all of the good wishes. Happy Holidays!!!


Anonymous said...

You know, Baileys and coffee isn't a bad way to begin therapy before noon... And it's okay because it's Christmas Eve! Right? Have a great time! xoxoJohnene

Anonymous said...

You're not driving --right? Cheers!
Peace to you and your family--tell them we'll all be here for you. So glad you made it, but not without a hitch--My Christmas prayers are for you--
xoxoxo Annette

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update - I was wondering if you had made it...given all the crummy weather, both there and here. Enjoy your family!


Unknown said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'm glad you made it out to your family OK. Our son got stranded in LA but at least he will spend Christmas with his friend and family instead of in an airport terminal.Being the devoted mother that I am I even sent him a "care" package from Santa.He will hopefully be home tomorrow morning. I have plenty of vacation and sick time that I can donate. Now that I am a part-time clinical nursing instructor for Seattle University I can't take as much time off anymore. Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tracie-
Glad you made it to Chicago! I hear Seattle is still a mess with more snow on the way. I hope you had a great Christmas. I finally found the blog after being mislead to some southern bible sight...hmmm... Well, we are off to my aunt's house for a casual dinner. A low-key Christmas is definitely the way to go! Say hi to Terry, the kids and your parents and Amy for me.


Anonymous said...

Have a Lou's pizza and Walker Bros. breakfast for us. Merry Christmas, The Halverson's

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you all made it safely to Chicago for Christmas. I hope it was a wonderful one. I love your blogspot and like to read what is going on. I look forward to coffee and of course wine, when you come back.

Anonymous said...

You're amazing...not only are you a great nurse (as all of your co-workers would agree) but you are a great blogger! Your honesty and spirit says a lot about you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I would loved to be called on for absolutely anything. Cheers to the wine...Kelly Merrill from Children's.

Anonymous said...

always tardy to read my work email, I just came upon this. I just want you to know you and your family are in my thoughts and good positive energy and prayers. Have a blast in Chicago and see you soon. kim hiatt

Anonymous said...

You know those little gel paks you use during your triathlons? Well, think of your friends as those little gel paks, and reach for one from time to time...know that any of us are here for you whenever you need us.

Unknown said...

We are glad to hear your travels went fairly ok, with little complications. Hope you guys have a good Christmas with the family. Have a safe flight back home. Happy New Year! --the Morillos

Anonymous said...

Tracie, Glad you were able to make it home for the holidays and the snow didn't stop you. I was shocked and sad to hear your diagnosis. Let those of us at work know what we can do to help. And thank you for the blog and updates to let us know what is going on...glad to see your sense of humor hasn't left you!!! Gretchen Bjelke

Anonymous said...

Tracie, Glad you were able to make it home for the holidays. I was shocked and sad to hear your diagnosis...please let us know what we can do to help. I love that you have the blog going, it is nice to see what is going on with you and your family during this time. It's also good to see you have kept your sense of humor!! Gretchen Bjelke :)