Monday, December 22, 2008

And Now We Know....

We actually made it to Virginia Mason today and everyone I needed to see was there. That was a huge relief! I was sure something would get cancelled.

The good news is that I am still stage 2 hodgkins. The bad news is that there are 2 other lymph node areas in my chest that they found today on my scan. I still have a good prognosis which I'm trying to remember. I still can't figure out how I can have cancer and feel completely fine.

The problem with having more lymph nodes involved, means that there will be a larger radiation area if I go that route. My doc thinks that I will probably have both chemo and radiation. the plan right now is 2 rounds of chemo and repeat the CT/PET scan. That plan sounded great until he said we should start Jan 2nd! I thought I had a few weeks to work and get my shit together. When I asked about waiting another week or two, he said that it wasn't a good idea. I'm a little freaked out about starting in 10 days. I guess maybe the fact that I have cancer is starting to sink in.

Terry and the kids are doing ok. Alyssa got an early Christmas present today. She got a cupcake maker and at this point that's all she really cares about. She can't understand why we're not making them tonight.

Right now, we're scrambling to get ready to fly to Chicago tomorrow. Hopefully the weather there will be ok. It was 3 degrees at the start of the Bears game tonight! I'm not used to that kind of cold anymore. Too spoiled by our winters in Seattle!

That's all for now. I'll update again after we get back from Chicago.

We wish all of you a happy and safe holiday season.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you! I'm looking forward to hearing an update when you get back. Have a safe trip and enjoy Christmas with the family.
Hugs to you, Amber

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip to Chicago-(Go Bears) and I hope you don't freeze there! Can't wait to try some of the cupcakes by Alyssa when you get back.

You all will be in our prayers and I hope you can relax and enjoy some family time to keep your mind off of the next week.

Anonymous said...

We may see you at the airport, as we are also trying to get out of town. We can start the wine drinking there...the airport has child care right??? :)

Enjoy your family and friends, and we'll see you when we get back!

Anonymous said...

Good thing you have all the anxiety meds to get you through the airport! Hope you have safe travels! We'll see you next week. Love, Johnene

Anonymous said...

Your father is my boss and he allow me to read your blog page. I want to let you know that I will keep you in my prayers. God will see you through this.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tracie,
You are in thoughts and prayers. ~~Teaessa from PICU

Anonymous said...

I know it is scary, but you are going to do great. Trust me, I'm a doctor. ;)