Saturday, March 7, 2009

One More Chemo Left....

I'm a week out from my 5th chemo and now I feel pretty good. I have one more scheduled chemo day and then I repeat my scan. Hopefully that will be it for the chemo. I am ready to be done. I don't think anyone will want to be around me if I need more, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when it comes.

As I said in my last post, I'm getting impatient! Which led me to do a few stupid things this week, making my recovery longer. I'm going crazy at home, so I made a few too many plans this week!!!! Poor Terry bears the brunt of my crabbiness when I don't feel well or when I push it too far. Fortunately for Terry, I cancelled most of my plans after exhausting myself. It could have been worse.

On Tuesday, 4 days after chemo, I thought it would be a good idea to go over to Seattle for a class at Children's. How hard could it be to sit in a class for a few hours? It was great to actually do something and see lots of my friends at work. That being said, I was totally exhausted after spending all day in Seattle. I added several days to my recovery this time. I'd like to say I've learned my lesson, but we'll just have to wait until next time to see.


Anonymous said...

Hi Trac... just letting you know that we miss you and are thinking about you! Just keep taking good care of yourself. East healthy!
And some meditation might be relaxing.
Hugs, Diane
(Gates - PICU)

Anonymous said...

I meant EAT healthy, not East healthy! Do go packin' up and headin' east!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm making sense... could be the Ambien. Just be good to yourself and make sure everyone else is too. If you didn't live about 200 miles away, I gladly offer to bring meals, watch your kids, or clean your house... except for emptying the dishwasher. I hate emptying the dishwasher. But, ya know... I'd do even that for you!

XO Diane