Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Just wanted to thank my Mom for a great visit. It was shorter than we would have liked but fun. Nicholas talked Grandma into a game of Fantasy Football monopoly that lasted the whole weekend. Hopefully now I won't have to play for a while! Mom, Alyssa and I enjoyed a beautiful sunny day walking around Poulsbo and shopping. Alyssa had fun trying on shoes with my Mom. They both have expensive taste! It was really nice to have my Mom out here to take of me for a few days! Now I have a clean house and a stocked freezer!!!
Acupuncture is helping a lot. I have finally progressed to only 2 times per week. I feel like I spend all of my time managing & going to appointments! I don't seem to be getting anyworse after each chemo which is nice. I am definitely getting impatient. I want it to move along faster. I find myself wishing for another chemo day just so I can get that much closer to the end. I realize it has only been a couple of months but on the days when I feel like crap I just want to be done. Patience is not really my thing. Alyssa seems to be getting tired of it too. Last week she asked when my cancer would be done. When I asked what she meant, she said will it be done in February or March? We finally figured out she was talking about chemo!
Thanks for all the great meals over the last few weeks. Last week several of our friends from church came over to help with a few projects. It was a huge help to us. Thank you for giving up a Sunday afternoon to help out. It is difficult for me to ask for help but so appreciated.
My next chemo day is Friday. Hopefully it will go as smoothly as the last four. Only 2 left until I get my scans.


Unknown said...

Hey Tracie,
Here I was, thinking how patient you are...;) I can completely understand your impatience with this whole process! You look great and I am so happy your mom was able to visit and take care of you for awhile. I am sure you needed it, despite all the help you are getting. There is nothing quite like the care of your mother when you are feeling crappy. Keep up the good work, keep smiling and know that we are all behind you, every step of the way!! I think about you often and just wish I could be there in person to help out. I will have to help someone here locally and hope it gets paid back in kind to you on your end.

Hang in there! Miss you! Love, Kim

Anonymous said...

No one can take care of us and make us feel better, like Moms can. Glad yours got to spend some time with you.
I've never been any good at that patience game either. I suppose just try and enjoy the down you have when your feeling good.
Hang in there baby!!!

tlforsythe said...

As always, moms rule! Glad you could enjoy the TLC! :) Hang in there, tough girl. Prayers going your way.

Anonymous said...

My youngest son has a shirt that says "my mom rocks" the picture on the shirt is the same symbol you see on the front of the womens bathroom. He proudly wears it. Moms do rock and I'm sure it was hard for your mom to leave. Anyways, just thinking of you and continuing to send good thoughts your way. Heidi